Format: BOOK
Label: Edizioni Backwards (Italy)
Edition: 200 copies in hardback cover
Info & Description (from the original label info):
DE-LUXE / ELEGANT HARDCOVER BOOK with b/w photos by Fabio Orsi.
The first Fabio Orsi book of photography!
"Taking in the 104 images, I begin to hear an urban beat resounding in my head. No words necessary and his images are full of description. I put tempo to the visual lyrics and come away with a sensory impression of the places described by Orsi’s well-traveled camera. Orsi’s genius is to create images that write their own melody. I see his pictures and hear his music."
–Larry C. Price, photojournalist. Ohio, USA
Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Photography, 1981
Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography, 1985
Label: Edizioni Backwards (Italy)
Edition: 200 copies in hardback cover
Info & Description (from the original label info):
DE-LUXE / ELEGANT HARDCOVER BOOK with b/w photos by Fabio Orsi.
The first Fabio Orsi book of photography!
"Taking in the 104 images, I begin to hear an urban beat resounding in my head. No words necessary and his images are full of description. I put tempo to the visual lyrics and come away with a sensory impression of the places described by Orsi’s well-traveled camera. Orsi’s genius is to create images that write their own melody. I see his pictures and hear his music."
–Larry C. Price, photojournalist. Ohio, USA
Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Photography, 1981
Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography, 1985